48 long stem pink & red roses; accented with baby’s breath and assorted greenery Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so shade of rose may vary due to local availability Artistically arranged in a classic clear glass vase.
Roses are a gift that never goes out of style! Grand and gorgeous, these sunny pink roses are full of light and happiness and will brighten up their day. They'll smile and think of you every time they see them! It's a gesture they'll never forget.
STANDARD (12 roses), DELUXE (18 roses), PREMIUM (24 roses)
What else need be said? This is it, the definitive floral masterpiece, the perfect gift...boasting gorgeous roses in red with a pretty red satin ribbon in a garden vase.
12 roses (Standard)
24 roses (Deluxe)
Jordan Vase , Leather Leaf, Myrtle, Salal, Misty Blue, Red Roses.
Set their heart ablaze with Burning Red Roses! This classically romantic arrangement serves as a passionate reminder of love. With 12 stems(STANDARD), 18 stems(DELUXE) or 24 stems(PREMIUM) of red roses and complimentary foliage, they’ll remember these roses all too well for years to come.
Certainly, someone truly special in your life deserves a little extra love. This stunning bouquet of 18 red roses along with white Monte Casino blooms in a classic clear vase with a red satin ribbon.
This arrangement is for those who are as free as a bird and as stunning as the setting sun. A Free-Spirit Dozen is sure to leave a lasting impression. Order today and make someone’s day a little brighter!
With 12 stems(s), 18 stems(D) or 24 stems(P)
24 Roses wrapped in paper includes "Love" light sign and butterflies.
If you want to change any color (roses,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
100 Roses with white heart in the middle Wrapped in paper.
Includes golden butterflies and small crown. If you want to change any color (roses,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
Perfect for any occasion
A bright and beautiful bunch of remarkably 100 roses.
Includes golden butterflies, ribbon and small crown. If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions
A bright and beautiful bunch of remarkably 100 red roses held together. Includes golden butterflies and small crown.
If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
A bright and beautiful bunch of remarkably 100 red roses held together. includes golden butterflies and small crown.
If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
24 Roses wrapped in paper, Butterflies & personalized Ribbon.
If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
50 roses, pink carnation, purple daisy wrapped in paper. With little Crown, Butterflies & personalized Ribbon.
If you want to change any color (flowers,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
100 Roses with red heart in the middle Wrapped in paper. Includes golden butterflies and small crown.
If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
24 Roses(Standard), 50 roses(Deluxe), 100 roses(Premium) wrapped in paper. With personalized Ribbon If you want to change you can tell us in Special Instructions.
Perfect for Anniversary, Birthday or just to say I love you!
24 Roses (Hot pink) with 5 sunflowers wrapped in paper, Butterflies & personalized Ribbon.
If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions
24 Roses wrapped in paper. With little Crown, Butterflies & personalized Ribbon.
If you want to change any color (roses,ribbon,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
Bouquet of 50 yellow and white roses with sunflower. Includes golden butterflies and small crown.
If you want to change any color (roses,paper) you can tell us in Special Instructions.
The Classic Love Red Rose Bouquet is our ode to love's most timeless flower. Nothing conveys romance quite like this bunch of red roses, the most iconic expression of heartfelt emotion and passion.
Nothing says "I Love You" more clearly than the rose. Whether it's a first date, first anniversary or the fiftieth, Rodriguez Flower Shop can help you find the perfect gift of roses for your sweetheart. Browse our selection online or call us for custom a rose creation. No matter where you need to send roses, Rodriguez Flower Shop in Mcallen can help!